Skincare Treatments and Procedures to Consider in Your 50s

We discussed skincare treatments and procedures to consider in your 30s and 40s, but today it’s all about you stunners in your 50s!

Let’s continue with my discussion with Dr. Marguerite A. Germain, M.D., F.A.A.D.of Germain Dermatology.

Here’s what she had to say…

In the 50s the skin continues to lose more collagen and elastic fibers. It continues to dry out and dynamic lines increase as well as static lines (these are the lines that are still visible even when you have stopped making a certain expression, like smiling). The face begins to fall and sink–we actually lose bone in our faces and fat pads fall. The temples begin to get hollow (temporal wasting) and the under eye areas become more prominent. The eyebrows may fall a bit. The neck becomes wrinkled and the jawline becomes ill-defined. The apples of the cheeks flatten and the face loses overall volume.

Things to do in the 50s…

* Use larger volumes of Perlane around the eyes and on the cheekbones to lift the face

* Will also need to use more Perlane and Restylane around the mouth and along the jawline to hide the jowls

* May need to use some Restylane in the lips, not to make the lips bigger but to make them wrinkle free (the most important characteristic of youthful lips is not big lips but lips without wrinkles)

* May need to use some Restylane around the mouth to diminish the peri-oral lines (smokers lines — but not related to smoking)

* Restylane is also a choice for under the eyes to fill in the hollows

* May want to put a volumizer like Sculptra in the temples to give the face a more youthful, fuller appearance (Sculptra does not act immediately, it builds collagen in the skin slowly over time after injection)

* A neuromodulator, like Dysport, is needed in the frown line area to make sure you are not thought to be mad or unapproachable. Care must be taken when injecting Dysport in the forehead so that the forehead does not drop; lift can be achieved with Dysport if done properly. Dysport should be done around the eyes to decrease smile lines and can also be done around the mouth to smooth out the peri-oral lines and in the neck to decrease the platysmal bands and necklace line (the cords that occur on the neck and the horizontal lines that can occur on the neck, respectively).

* Will need a moisturizing cleanser

* Retinoids are still important to improve the skin and also to stop pre-cancers from forming

* A good anti–oxidant sunscreen and a moisturizing sunscreen is needed, too.

* A laser, which targets red, will be necessary to get rid of the redness and broken blood vessels

* A Fraxel Dual is necessary to get rid of the brown blotches (age spots) and to treat any possible pre-cancers

* Remember to sleep on your back to decrease the wrinkles on your face. When you sleep on your side you can cause permanent indentations in the skin.


Have a chat with your dermatologist to go over any skin concerns and possible procedures.



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