TSABD Summer Beauty Checklist Pt 3: Thigh Rub, Blisters, & Bacne

Ahhh summer. Hemlines are getting shorter as the days get longer. You’re out and about more and enjoying the time outdoors. But then there are some not-so-grand things that come with summer like thigh rub, blisters, and acne (oh MY!). In this edition of the TSABD Summer Beauty Checklist, we’re going to quickly go over some solutions to some of the most annoying summer body issues.

Thigh Rub

Yes, thick thighs save lives but when those mama jamas start rubbing together?!?!? OUCH. The friction can cause irritation and blisters to an extent that makes you not even want to walk around anymore. The solution? Well for one, LUBE UP!

There are lubricants out there that are made specifically for the thigh area and can be found in or near the same aisle you get your maxi pads and tampons. You can also use something like BodyGlide which is a solution that some athletes use so they don’t chafe when doing things like running marathons. I’ve in the past used an antiperspirant deodorant which works very well for me, but if you’re concerned about aluminum, try a deodorant without it (usually antiperspirants will contain the sweat-blocking ingredient while a plain deodorant typically doesn’t).

You can also try some forms of shape wear or longer underwear as the fabric provides a barrier between your thighs and protects them from friction.


This isn’t only a summertime woe, but with many of us wearing more sandals and open-toe shoes this season, we might be more susceptible to them. The solution again here is some sort of lubrication so the skin on your toes and heels isn’t rubbing up against the material on your shoes. I recently bought Foot Glide which worked tremendously on a pair of new mules I bought. I rubbed it in between my toes and along the sides and top of my feet and it helped tremendously for me to wear them during The Momference.


One of the best treatments for bacne is in preventing it from happening in the first place. You want to get out of sweaty clothes as soon as possible, make sure you’re changing towels often, and it also helps to shower with a body wash that contains salicylic acid (you can find these both at the drugstore and in stores like Sephora). You can also use the same acne spot treatment you would use on your face for acne on your body, and there are body sprays that help treat acne on the back and chest. It might also be very helpful to ask about body treatment services at your local spa especially if you want to treat hard to reach places.

Try not to shower too often (or for too long) or with water at higher temperatures. You might actually make the situation worse. I tend to shower more often during the summer but I keep it at quick showers with warm water. Also make sure your body soap isn’t too drying because that can also make the situation worse.

Winter legs

So if your legs are still a bit pale or you’re like me and have evidence of your clumsiness on them (I have so many bruises and scars on mine) then you might want something to give you a more even tone and some color. In the past I’ve done self-tanners (yup, they work for darker skin, too), but if you want some instant, liquid-pantyhose like results, you’ll need a product like Gleam by Melanie Mills (I bought it in Deep Gold). I bought a tube about a year ago and like some beauty products that I either buy or make their way here via PR mailings, I have good intentions of using and blogging about them, but sometimes things happen and I get sidetracked. I brought it with me to L.A. when I taped my beauty segment on The Real but of course forgot it in my bag when I went in for hair and makeup touch-ups. Wouldn’t you know MELANIE MILLS herself was there and gleamed me up.

Watch me get gleamed by Melanie Mills on my The Real highlight on my Instagram page HERE!

It’s about 8 or 9 slides in.

P.S. This goes without saying, but you should also be wearing SPF on your body and reapplying every two hours especially if you’re outdoors. Find out more about sunscreens that won’t make you ashy, the proper amount of sunscreen you need to wear, and more in the video below! Get the scoop on a ton of sunscreens I’ve tried over the years that won’t make you ashy here.

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Have questions about summer body solutions? Ask them in the comments!



  1. Shantal Y. or @TheFirstNicole
    June 19, 2018 / 2:30 pm

    Danielle! Have I told you how awesome you are? I will be sharing this post and using some of the tips. Thanks!

    • Danielle
      June 20, 2018 / 8:52 am

      Heyyy Shantal!!!

      Awww yay! Thanks for sharing the post—so happy you enjoyed it :)

  2. Janet
    July 2, 2022 / 3:24 pm

    The link to your self tanner post went nowhere. What do you recommend for chocolate skin? I’m looking for something to give me a nice even tone and glow without staining white clothes or bedding. Thank you!

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